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Online application process

Question: Birth registration application process?
Answer: In the prescribed application form (printed or hand written), the registrar must apply with the following documents or certificates. It is also accessible to br.lgd.gov.bd web site and can register birth registration online along with the registrar's office. Registrar will be able to register the date of submission of the print copy of the application to the registration office (click to apply online).

In the case of a registered person within five years of birth,

    Data gathering certification, or
    Certified copy of the EPI card, or
    Attested copy of the relevant medical institution or certified copy of birth certificate received from that institution, or
    The Registrar thinks it necessary to have a copy of another document, such as a birth, or a copy of it
    The certification of an NGO worker specified by the registrar as the information collector.

After applying five years after the birth of a registered person,

    Certified Ward Councilor / Member certification for proof of MBBS doctor and birth place or permanent residence for the age proof, or
    Proof of age and birth certificate, certification of teacher or officer nominated by the Principal or Head Teacher of the concerned educational institution as the information collector, or
    Proof of birth and birth certificate from EPI card or passport or secondary school certificate or birth certificate of any medical institution or proof of birth and birth certificate, or
    The Registrar thinks it necessary to have a copy of another document, such as a birth, or a copy of it
    The certification of an NGO worker specified by the registrar as the information collector.